2,726 Stories Published

19 Million Unique Website Visitors

3.7 Million Website Views

1 Fabulous, Firecracker Of A Year!

It is so immensely thrilling to look back at 2015. It was such an important year for us and when I say we put in the WORK, you’ve got to believe me! Just like that, POPxo is India’s first and fastest growing community for young Indian women to read, shop, discover and discuss the topics they care most about. As a digital media platform, we cover fashion, beauty, relationships, work, weddings and more – everything a girl needs to know to feel more confident, successful and fulfilled. POPxo has successfully become her digital best friend, one she listens to and trusts.

Publishing content in both English and Hindi, as text and video, POPxo now reaches millions of young women across multiple platforms including our website, native Android and iOS apps and our social media channels. POPxo’s channels on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat are some of the largest and most engaged digital communities in India today. The social media team has been the first to consistently create innovative formats that in aggregate reach tens of millions of women every month.

Data is at the heart of everything POPxo does, from deciding what topics to write about and optimizing headlines to testing different layouts for the website and app. The analytical team works in tandem with the editorial and social teams to help them create content that is widely read, viewed and shared.

India’s top consumer brands partner with POPxo to reach out to their target audience, from creating native content that is fun and relevant to conceptualizing and running entire campaigns. POPxo is an effective platform for brands looking to engage and grow their customer base in a measurable, scalable way.

At POPxo we don’t believe in resting on our laurels, we acknowledge them, do a little (okay, big) celebratory cheer, soak it all in and then get set to smash the next set of targets that we set for ourselves. 2015 was  a great year. Now, onwards and upwards!

Take a look at the beginning of POPxo!